Florida Skunk Ape
Here in Florida we are lucky to have our own brand of Bigfoot/Sasquatch. Affectionatley known as the "Skunk Ape", folklore and stories of this creature abound and has been reported as early as the first settlers.
Here is the definition of a SKUNK-APE taken from Wikipedia:
Here is the definition of a SKUNK-APE taken from Wikipedia:
The Skunk Ape, also known as the Swamp Ape, Stink Ape, Florida Bigfoot, Myakka Ape, and the Myakka Skunk Ape, is a hominid cryptid said to inhabit Florida,[1] as well as North Carolina and Arkansas, although reports from Florida are more common. It is named for its appearance and for the unpleasant odor that is said to accompany it. According to the United States National Park Service, the Skunk Ape exists only as a local myth.[2] Reports of the Skunk Ape were particularly common in the 1960s and 1970s. In the fall of 1974, numerous sightings were reported in suburban neighborhoods of Dade County, Florida, of a large, foul-smelling, hairy, ape-like creature, which ran upright on two legs.
If the creature does not exist then why would politicians in the Florida House try to pass a bill to protect anthropoid or humanoid animals?
Back in 1977 such a bill was proposed. Here is a link to that proposed House Bill
the State of Florida ever selects a mascot to represent all weird
things in the state, it would unquestionably be the Skunk Ape. In both
size and appearance, this elusive humanoid is Florida’s equivalent to
Bigfoot. In response to thousands of sightings, the State Legislature in
April 1977, introduced a bill (H.B.1664) to protect the elusive man-ape
which in part, stated, “Any person taking, possessing, harming or
molesting any anthropoid or humanoid animal which is native to Florida,
popularly known as the Skunk Ape, or doing any act reasonably capable of
harming or molesting such animals…”
State Representative Paul Nuckolls wanted to
make it a misdemeanor to capture or harass a skunk ape. “I’d hate to see
someone catch one and put it in a circus or in a zoo,” remarked
Representative Nuckolls. The bill never passed into law but that hasn’t
stopped discussions about trying it again.
Stories relating to Skunk Ape encounters may go
back to early Indian legends, which speak of giants living along the
Kissimmee River, and the “Sand People” and “Mangrove People.” Some
believe these legends were describing skunk apes. Worthy of
consideration is the historical account of Henry Tanner, an early
pioneer in Orange County, who told about “finding Indian graves on the
St. Johns River with skeletons as big as giants and skulls that would
fit over a normal man’s head.” In 1935, workers excavating shell from an
Indian mound unearthed “a human thigh bone that was as long as a man’s
whole leg.” Were these skeletal remains of very big humans, or perhaps
an unknown bipedal creature? Once again we are left holding the bag
filled with more strange stories.
In 1959, three boy scouts emerged in a panic
from the Ocala National Forest with a wild tale of having been routed
from their camp by a big, hairy monster. They said the thing had a human
face and the body of an ape. Now this might be easy to dismiss as a
boyish yarn if not for hundreds of similar stories. Take the case of a
long-distance trucker that pulled into a rest stop along I-75 one night
to catch a few winks. The trucker recounted how he was pulled from the
cab of his truck by a hairy, Bigfoot creature. “It came right out of the
dark and tried to get in the truck.” The thing carried him under one
arm for several yards. “My face was pressed into its hair” the man told a
reporter. “It smelled awful.” The trucker was able to kick himself free
and made it back to his truck. The ape creature began pounding on the
truck but after the driver gave a few blasts on his air horn the thing
ran off into the woods.
In almost all skunk ape encounters, witnesses
describe an obnoxious odor, a stench similar to rotten cabbage or a
skunk. It’s this skunk-like stink that gives the skunk ape its name,
although old timers in rural areas often refer to it as a “swamp
monkey.” My theory, if this thing really exists, is that when the
creature is upset it gives off musk. This is not just a slight scent,
witnesses have described it as extremely putrid, and strong, enough to
discourage anyone from getting too close.
In a 1997 filmed interview with Paul Schmitt of
New Smyrna, he described for me his encounter. Paul was delivering
newspapers in the rural community of Oak Hill one morning before sunrise
when he encountered a “big humanlike beast.” He was turning his pickup
truck around on a dirt road when he saw the creature in his headlights.
“It was real big,” explained Paul. “The thing had long hair, all over,
gray hair, it wasn’t a bear either. I couldn’t see its face, only the
middle part of its body.” Paul then described the classic odor. “There
was a terrible smell, like rotten cabbage, so bad that I almost gagged I
almost vomited.”
What makes Paul’s story so interesting is that I
have heard three separate and unrelated stories about skunk ape
sightings in the same area. About eight miles to the south of this area,
Jack Simmons, a hunter from Melbourne found several large foot prints
of which he later made plaster casts. A decade earlier, on Arial Road
north of Oak Hill, a girl suffered a broken arm after being thrown from
her horse when a large hairy man-ape crossed her path. This part of
Florida is a vast wilderness area that stretches westward from the
Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge to the St. Johns Wildlife Management
Area. With the exception of the highways that cut through this area, a
large animal could easily move around here without being seen by humans,
well at least most humans. I was once asked by a staunch skeptic of
anything weird, “If skunk apes exist, then why hasn’t anyone seen one?”
Obviously he had not been listening.
One evening in November 1966, a woman driving
on a remote county road near Brooksville had a flat and a typical
encounter with the ape-man. She pulled to the side and retrieved the
spare from her trunk and proceeded to change her tire. She first ignored
then strange odor permeating the air thinking a pole cat was near, but
then she heard heavy footsteps on the opposite side of the road. She had
just finished putting the spare on and was tightening the lug nuts when
she turned and saw a seven foot tall, human-like creature standing on
the other side of the road. It walked upright, had a face like a man,
and was covered with shaggy, dark fur. In a newspaper account she
estimated that it weighed at least four-hundred pounds. It seemed
curious at what the lone lady was doing and squatted beside the road to
watch. About that time another vehicle came along and the thing vanished
into the swamp leaving us to wonder about another skunk ape story.
Perhaps the best skunk report was the one made in
February 1971 by five archaeologists excavating an Indian mound deep in
the Big Cypress Swamp one of the most isolated areas of Florida. I
favor this one because it involved multiple witnesses, and presumably
credible scholars in anthropology. The five men told of an unwelcome
beast that crashed into their camp in the middle of the night and
generally wrecked the place before running off into the swamp. The
intruder was described as a large biped primate, without a neck, being 7
to 8 feet tall, about 700 pounds, and covered with shaggy white fur.
The team later found footprints measuring 18 inches by 11 inches wide.
Typical of other encounters, the witnesses complained about a sickening
odor that lingered long after the creature had departed. What I find
curious about this account, and a few others, is the white fur. It would
seem that a hoaxer would fabricate a story or costume involving
something with dark fur. A skunk ape with white fur just doesn’t fit the
Bigfoot stereotype––unless there are some senior citizens of the
Sasquatch clan running around the woods.
Hard physical evidence of the Skunk Ape is
lacking, other than a few questionable plaster casts of footprints.
Although, some hair samples were submitted for analysis and in 2000 even
a few photographs were taken of an alleged skunk ape in Collier County.
There were no scientific conclusions from the hair samples and the
photographs have been disputed by the experts as probable hoaxes.
Skeptics have asked “Where are the bones?
Surely skunk apes must die and leave behind skeletal remains. The answer
is simple, we know that deer and bear exist in the woods but try to
find a bear or rabbit skeleton. Bones simply do not last long in
Florida’s subtropical environment. Larger bones, like from a deer or a
large primate will survive a little longer but not without being
scattered by other animals, gnawed on by rodents, and over a short span
of time deteriorate and become part of the soil. If this wasn’t true,
then with all the animals that have died in the woods, the forest floor
would be a carpet of bones. So the bone issue isn’t a good method of
discounting the possible existence of an unknown primate or any other
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission knows
about the Skunk Ape. The agency frequently receives inquires from people
wanting a permit to hunt the thing. The agency doesn’t issue such
permits, but their informational office keeps file of skunk ape
newspaper reports. I guess that’s just in case the thing turns out to be
real, then they’ll have a ready and waiting file. Even the U. S. Fish
and Wildlife Agency has heard of the Skunk Ape, in a 1977 news release
they discussed how they would handle the matter if Bigfoot creatures
turned out to be real. Basically they’d put it on the endangered species
list and arrest anyone trying to mess with it.
There are a few areas in Florida that are still
inaccessible to most humans, these are the vast swamps and state
protected wildernesses. These places could easily conceal secrets from
the general population including a Skunk Ape. Much of Florida’s wild
habitat is being destroyed by development and perhaps it is the
encroachment of civilization that is forcing an unknown primate species
to occasionally cross paths with humans. Skunk Ape sightings tend to
rise and fall with the peaks and valleys of development in Florida. I
think that says something, I don’t know what, but it’s certainly should
be studied.
If there is a conclusion to the Skunk Ape
enigma, it would be that credible people, often professional people,
have seen something that appeared to be a giant, two-legged, shaggy
creature that stinks to high heaven. As a local swamp tour guide who saw
one remarked, “I’ve been out in the woods all my life and I’ve never
seen anything like it.” What these witnesses have seen remains a
mystery, however if you are outside at night, and the crickets stop
chirping, and you begin gagging on a foul odor…go grab your camera
because you might be about to have an encounter with Florida’s Skunk
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